Thursday, March 7, 2019

Skyship ERIS - Part 5 (February, 2019)

THE GNOME CREW:  The Skyship ERIS is owned and operated by a large, extended "nation" of Gnomi living in Northwestern Italy. In Italian; Gnomo/Gnoma, singular  Gnomi plural. They are divided into a group of autonomous clans, but come together for large celebrations and projects like building and using their fleet of skyships. To learn more about "Gli Gnomi" (Italian Gnomes), go to  Italian Gnome History and Culture

A typical Gnomo is about 2-3 feet tall, and has a stocky, heavy-boned stature. They are proportionately very strong and quick for their size. Each clan is led by the male and female elders, usually a married couple. A Shaman guides and advises on the spiritual aspects of gnome life.

On the skyship ERIS, a small, fast explorer vessel, there is a crew of 5; Il Capitano (leader), Il Guarda Fuori (lookout/navigator), and 3 other crew members, who tend to the engines and gas generator.

Il Capitano: Leader of the crew, and master of his skyship. He dresses according to his station, and stands at the controls, ready to guide his ship.


Most of the crew were too busy, but we caught Luciano on a break, singing and playing his concertina.

Otto is the "Guarda Fuori" (Lookout) and Navigator of the skyship. He can usually be found in his Crow's Nest with his maps and telescope, plotting the ship's next movements.
The Crow's Nest, seen from above. Notice the maps, a telegraph key,
and the radiophone, used for talking with the capitano, below on deck.
Finally, a larger view, showing the Crow's Nest atop the balloon, a rope ladder, and wires for connecting the radiophones.

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